SETTING UP MY BLOG - 11/1/2024

hello hi welcome to my awesome blog, honestly i have been quite busy these day with exams n stuff!!
but i finally got to code this blog. cant wait to forget about it entirely and never post anything in it haha!
anyways it was really simple tbh and i am kinda proud of it
and i really enjoy making stuff for this website if i am being honest
not to mention how this website is literally a free example for people who want to make (sorta) oldweb stuff!!
and i would love if someone gets inspired from this website ngl.
~ $gank


hello hi this is my SECOND blog post,
time runs really fast indeed!!
so i have been quite busy these days coding stuff and tbh its really fun, i love programming to be honest.
also everytime I work on this website I see that the view number is 1000 views more than the last time
which is amazing
i will try to update this website as much as I can because I am really proud of it lol
~ $gank