basically this page is a collection of useful retro/oldweb/90s aesthetic stuff
that i found
keep in mind that i didn't make most of these stuff.
the 90s aesthetic is really popular among neocities websites, they originate from old geocities
websites aswell.
its really cool to have an audio player to play your favourite songs when someone visits your
and winamp itself is a really cool audio player.
basically a button that has a number that incrases when
you click on it,
more fun than what you think.
guestbooks are an extremely important part of neocities
they are also really easy to set up.
really cool chatbox plugin, great addition to any website
also really easy to set up.
an archive of the old geocities gifs
literally all the
gifs in this website is from there.
an archive of over 4,000 neocities and geocities buttons.
a big collection of cool tiled backgrounds.